Extended Timeline Wiki

Kush Kush is a Egyptian Egyptian Culture Kushite Tribal government tribal monarchy located in the Egypt and Horn of Africa region of the African continent. The tribal monarchy exists at the start of the timeline year 2, with their core cores, bordering fellow Egyptian Egyptian Beja Beja. Blemmyes Blemmyes to the east, Hellenic Hellenic Rome Rome to the north. and uncolonized native land to the west and south.

The rest of the Kush lands will be taken by Fetishist Fetishist Nobatia Nobatia, Fetishist Makuria Makuria and Chalcedonism Chalcedonian Aksum Aksum in 350, losing their core cores and never appear on-map again.

Called "Meroe" on-file

See also: Egypt Egypt, Rome Rome, Blemmyes Blemmyes, Aksum Aksum


decision Eastern Technology Reform[]

  • Requirement(s):
    • Muslim technology group Technology Group is Middle Eastern
    • War Is No not at war
    • Administrative monarch power Administrative power at least 200
    • Catholicism Religious group is Christian
    • Administrative technology Administrative Technology is at least 21
  • Effect(s):
    • Administrative monarch power Lose 200 Administrative Power
    • Stability Lose 1 Stability
    • Eastern technology group Change Technology Group to Eastern

decision Form Egypt (Ancient)[]

  • Requirement(s)
    • Egypt (ancient) Egypt does No NOT exist
    • No Is not: The Papal State The Papal State, Holy Roman Empire Holy Roman Empire or European Union European Union
    • Culture Primary Culture is: Egyptian or Nubian
    • Vassal Is No not a subject
    • War Is No not at war
    • core Owns as core Province province(s): Raqote (358), Men-Nefer (361), Khito (362), Per-Bast (2526), Akhetaten (2524), Zawty (2523), Waset (360)
  • Effect(s):
    • Prestige Gain 25 Prestige
    • Cost to fabricate claims Gain a permanent claim on States Region(s): Egypt
    • Kingdom rank Change Government Rank to Kingdom
    • Become Egypt Egypt
    • Country modifier Gain 'Increased Centralization' for Time 20 years
      • Global unrest opposite +1.00 National Unrest
      • Autonomy -0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change
    • Tradtions Can embrace Ancient Egyptian Ideas and Traditions

decision Muslim Technology Reform[]

  • Requirment(s):
    • Muslim technology group Technology Group is Middle Eastern
    • War Is No not at war
    • Administrative monarch power Administrative Power at least 100
    • Yes One of the follow must be true: Sunni Islam Religious group is Muslim or Administrative technology Administrative Technology at least 26
  • Effect(s):
    • Administrative monarch power Lose 100 Administrative Power
    • Stability Lose 1 Stability
    • Muslim technology group Change Technology Group to Muslim



You are starting here in a odd position. Though the people of Ancient Egypt Ancient Egypt were driven by the invaders such as Persians, Macedonians, and Romans. But you are only known successor of Ancient Egypt Ancient Egypt. But it is time for you to restore the dignity of Ancient Egypt Ancient Egypt. But you border to the powerful country in the north known as Rome Rome. It is advised not to attack them. Maybe you should wait for them to crumble. But first. You will have to deal your rivals such as Aksum Aksum.

Opening Strategy[]

Build up to your army force limit, ally with Himyar Himyar, and fabricate claims on Aksum Aksum and Blemmyes Blemmyes. Then proceed to annex the Blemmyes, they are weak and will have no allies. After that, declare war against Aksum until you defeat their army. Proceed to fully siege and subsequently annex the entire country. Afterwards. Raise the Autonomy local autonomy in the province that you conquered. Expansion into the Arabian Peninsula should then follow.

Expansion into Arabia[]

While you wait for the Rome Rome to crumble. Build up your Navies to a Force limit. And then break the alliance with Himyar Himyar and start building Spy Networks against them. Afterwards. Fabricate claim on the Himyarite province. one will be enough. Declare war on Himyar Himyar, but careful though since most of Yemeni Province are mountainous. Make sure not to attack the enemy armies in the mountain province. Once you defeated Himyar Himyar, annex their province through a peace deal, and then raise the Autonomy local autonomy in the province you conquered and wait for the core to be finished. Your next target will be Masqat Masqat and Thamud Thamud (it doesn't matter which order you annex the in).

Late game[]

Eventually, Rome Rome will begin to crumble. When they are, declare war and take the provinces required to form Egypt Egypt, thus reclaiming the ancient Egyptian legacy and land for the Religion egyptian Egyptian religion. if Egypt Egypt breaks free of Roman control. It will be your next obstacle of forming Egypt Egypt itself. as long asEgypt Egypt itself exist. you won't be able to form Egypt Egypt. your next target will be Egypt. starting building a Spy Network against them. and fabricate claims on Egyptian provinces. once the last of Egyptian Egyptian province is annexed. you will be able to form Egypt Egypt once more. Upon reclaiming Cairo, an event will fire called The Conquest of Memphis that allows you to adopt the Egyptian culture and move your capital to Cairo or refuse to gain Stability+1 Stability instead (always go with the first choice). Once Egypt Egypt has been formed, you will then get a permanent claim on the entire Egyptian region.


Your primary religion is Religion egyptianEgyptian. Most of Nubia is Religion egyptianEgyptian, meanwhile the southern provinces you own are Religion fetishistFetishist (including your Capital capital). You will need to enact the religious policy to begin converting the Religion fetishistFetishist provinces to your religion. Once you conquered the province from Aksum Aksum and Himyar Himyar. you will most likely have Religion south arabianSouth Arabian provinces most in Ethiopia and Arabia. Should be easier to convert than the one like Religion fetishistFetishist provinces. since Religion south arabianSouth Arabian provinces have Local missionary strength+2% Local Missionary Strength.


Your primary culture is Nubian, and in the region of Nubia, most of the province are Nubian culture. However, as soon as you conquer Memphis (361), you will get the event Conquest of Memphis which will allow you to change your primary culture to Old Egyptian (Kemetic) or refuse and gain Stability+1 Stability instead.
