Extended Timeline Wiki

General Information[]

China China, at its start, is a Confucianism Confucian Culture Beijing Republic revolutionary republic located mainly in the China subcontinent of the Asian continent. The republic replaces the control of the Confucianism Confucian Qing Qing into the new government on February 12, 1912, gaining core cores, bordering Secularism Secular Great Britain Great Britain (Hong Kong and India subcontinent), Modern France Modern France (Indochina), Nepal Nepal southwest, Vajrayana Vajrayana Bhutan Bhutan southwest and Mongolia Mongolia north, Theravada Theravada Sikkim Sikkim southwest, Hinduism Hindu Kangra Kangra west, Orthodoxy Orthodox Russia Russia west and north, Shintoism Shinto Japan Japan (Korea and Dairen) and the waters of the East China Sea east and South China Sea south.

Exists on-map to the current day.

China can be formed by any Chinese nation that has Culture Beijing or Cantonese primary culture or any Manchu nation with Jurchen primary culture, once they have acquired Administrative technology Administrative Technology Level 76. This also means that any Chinese Imperial dynasty (including the Manchu Qing dynasty) can theoretically form China if they can survive long enough. The only exception to this rule is Yuan Yuan, which has Mongol primary culture and thus cannot form China without culture-shifting.

China China has no unique National Ideas and if formed by decision, it will inherit the National Ideas from the nation that founded it.

Called "China" on-file

See also: Han Han, Jin Jin, Liu Song Liu Song, Wei Wei, Tang Tang, Song Song, Yuan Yuan, Ming Ming, Qing Qing, Taiwan Taiwan


Whereas all of the preceding imperial dynasties were simply successive governments that ruled over the region and people of China across the ages, with "China" being an abstract concept referring to that geographic region and its population. China China as a nation represents a consolidation of the concept of "China" into an actual nation-state with defined borders and population.

The name China comes from a western corruption of the Qin (pronounced Chin) dynasty to Chin-a.

Form China[]

  • Requirement(s):
    • China China does No not exist
    • Culture Have Primary Culture: Beijing, Cantonese or Jurchen
    • Administrative technology Administrative technology at least 76
    • Monarchy Government type is No not a monarchy
    • Vassal Is No not a subject
    • War Is No not at war
    • core Own core Province province(s): Beijing (1816), Hébei (695), Suzhou (1822), Guangzhou (667) and Chéngdu (679)
  • Effect(s):
    • Base tax Add 1 base tax to a random owned Province province
    • Prestige Gain 25 Prestige
    • Change country to China China


decision Adopt Secularism (until March 22, 1916)[]

  • Requirement(s):
    • Administrative technology Administrative Technology at least 79
    • No Is not:Secularism Secular,Theocracy Theocracy,Theocracy/Monarchy Caliphate,Monarchy Feudal Theocracy or Iqta
    • Yes Is either: free/tributary or Vassal Overlord is Secularism Secular
    • Stability Stability at least 2
    • War Is No not at war
  • Effect(s):
    • Secularism Secular becomes the new state-religion of the country
    • Stability Lose 1 Stability

decision Asian Technology Reform (until 1940)[]

  • Requirement(s):
    • Have Technology Group Chinese technology group Chinese or Indian technology group Indian
    • War Is No not at war
    • Administrative monarch power Administrative Power at least 200
    • Administrative technology Administrative Technology at least 86
  • Effect(s):
    • Administrative monarch power Lose 200 Administrative Power
    • Stability Lose 1 Stability
    • Chinese technology group Technology Group changed to Asian


Present Day[]

China China starts off in an extremely powerful position in terms in geography, military, and economy. In fact, as China, you are the strongest country in the entire Old World itself, only being tied to the United States United States in terms of power and you have greater development than them. The United States United States usually won't be a threat to you due to the fact that they are so far away, the closest territory the Americans have is Guam and the fact that China has comparable power to them. The most immediate threats to China are Russia Russia and India India, but don't be too threatened by them. Their military strength is nothing compared to yours, and the two countries tend to fall apart in most games. Russia Russia is actually quite an easy target if you attack them once they go to war against Ukraine Ukraine while India India can likewise be lured into a war with a third party and opportunistically attacked, although be aware that India is more powerful than Russia economically and militarily. Conquering the Indian subcontinent is especially lucrative as India has the second-highest development after China, allowing you to greatly expand your economy and simultaneously remove one of the only comparable powers in the region.
